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Religion and Terrorism: A Human Rights Approach

Speaker: Prof. David Little, T.J. Dermot Dunphy Professor of the Practice in Religion, Ethnicity, & International Conflict, Harvard Divinity School
Presented by: Institute for Global Security Law and Policy

Summary: Distinguished Lecture in Global Security Law and Policy
This event marks the inaugural lecture of the newly-established Institute for Global Security Law and Policy. The Institute invites distinguished
academics, practitioners and decision-makers from the United States and around the world to address crucial global security issues, particularly in the aftermath of 9/11. The Institute is designed to be a leading national and international research and resource center concerning terrorism. The Centers interactive website has been launched to stimulate public debate and provide a comprehensive hub for addressing security and counterterrorism issues.

Prof. David Little, T.J. Dermot Dunphy Professor of the Practice in Religion, Ethnicity, & International Conflict, Harvard Divinity School 

• The role of religion in supplying the rationale and motivation for terrorism 
• The international human rights system in the aftermath of World War II and the guidelines it provided for combating state and non-state terrorism and for containing religion's connection to violence 

Prof. Little is an expert in religion, terrorism and ethics. He teaches various courses on religion, intolerance and human rights, and serves as a faculty associate at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard Divinity School. Previously, he was a senior scholar at the U.S. Institute of Peace in Washington, D.C., and was on the State Department Advisory Committee on Religious Freedom Abroad. Prof. Little is a prolific writer in the areas of moral philosophy and theology, the history of ethics, and the sociology of religion. His work includes co-authorship of Islamic Activism and U.S. Foreign Policy, and the completion of two volumes in the USIP series on religion, nationalism, and intolerance.

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