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Serj Tankian Lyrics SKY IS OVER

Everybody knows everybody knows

That you cradle the sun
Living in remorse
Sky is over

Don’t you want to

Hold me baby
Going crazy
Even though we can’t afford
The sky is over
Even though we can’t afford
The sky is over
I don’t want to see you go
The sky is over
Even though we can’t afford
The sky is over

Behind closed eyes lie

The minds ready to awaken you
Are you at war with land
And all of its creatures
Your not so gentle persuasion
Has been known
To wreck economies
Of countries, of empires
The sky is over

Don’t you want to

Hold me baby
Going crazy
lalala lalalalalala (2x)

Not even from the sun .. lalala lalalalalala

Not even from the sun .. lalala lalalalalala
Don’t you want me to run
Even though you can’t afford
The sky is over

Even though you can’t afford

The sky is over
Even though we can’t afford
The sky is over
I don’t want to see you go
The sky is over
Even though we can’t afford
The sky is over
I don’t want to see you go
The sky is over
Even though we can’t afford
The sky is over
I don’t want to see you go
The sky is over
Even though we can’t afford
The sky is over
The sky is over us

Even though we can’t afford

The sky is over
The sky is over us

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